Fresh Strawberry and Plum Sauce layered with Probiotic Homemade Greek Yoghurt - Divine!

Homemade Probiotic Greek Yogurt with Fresh Strawberry and Plum Sauce

Feed your gut flora this delicious dessert - packed full of healthy probiotics and enzymes! Only four ingredients! ;)

Homemade probiotic Greek Yogurt with or without a SCOBY to
Boost Your Probiotics:
And the bonus is this does not require any cooking, whatsoever - It looks after itself.
Into a clean glass container, for every 1-liter of full cream milk, stir in 5 ml of plain yogurt and 50 ml of cream.
I usually add the yogurt and cream first, followed by pouring
My milk in on top which mixes it all about then close
Container and forget about it until it begins to thicken
Starting which you will see around the walls of your glass
container. Do not disturb. Do not shake or jolt until
yogurt thickens, ferments and forms.
Best to wait for the yogurt to lift off the floor of the container
and for the whey to separate.
Once this happens, you may line a sieve with a clean dish towel
and with a large spoon, gently scoop up yogurt to place in a sieve
to drain.
If you have a fine-meshed sieve you may omit the tea towel and just drain directly in sieve, preferably overnight for very thick Greek yogurt or during the course of the day.

Sweetened Strawberries (Macerated):
Wash and hull some fresh strawberries removing their stems.
Place strawberries into a bowl on a scale, and weigh them. To their total weight add half the amount in sugar.
Now slice them across their lengths into halves and if very
large, into quarters.
Toss all together very well, in the sugar.
Allow strawberries to absorb the sugar. They will release a lot of
their juices.
Do NOT cook! We don't want to destroy the enzymes!
Set aside tossing every now and then until all sugar dissolves, which it will do during the course of the day, or overnight -

Plum Sauce:
Select the deepest, darkest, reddest plums that you can find.
Wash plums and cut around their circumference all the way to the pip forming one perpendicular and one horizontal cut.
Twist sections until you are able to pry away the stone easily.
Place together with their skins in a micro-safe container, placed
on a scale, and add half their amount, in weight, of the sugar.
Place in microwave, covered and cook slowly until all sugar has dissolved.
Once the sugar has dissolved cook on high until softened.
When plums have softened, puree with a handheld blender until smooth.
Add the optional brandy, and a squeeze lemon juice to taste.
Set aside to cool. Refrigerate until chilled.

Puree strawberries with handheld, blender, held directly in the container - However, reserve some halves for garnish.
Add a few drops of brandy and a squeeze lemon juice to taste.
You may add an optional bit of tasteless glycerin for shine if
you wish to impress - However, this is not necessary at all.
With a hand held blender, blend Greek yogurt until smooth.
To a transparent stemmed glass, or goblet, add some of your
sweetened plum puree.
In a piping bag, if you wish, add some more of your thick Greek
yogurt and pipe some on top of your plum puree.
Over the top of your yogurt, pour over some of your strawberry puree, and follow this up by piping over some more yogurt.
Garnish with some of your fresh, reserved pieces of sweetened strawberries.
Serve and enjoy for a quick and healthy dessert! ;)

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