Made this yesterday and it was Totally Delish! Very tasty! You are going to love this dish! I can assure you I will be making this on a regular basis from now on. Great for those that have stomach ulcers as cabbage is very soothing on ulcers. Don’t be tempted to put any other spices or herbs in this dish. Just black pepper, nutmeg and salt is all you need or I’m afraid you will spoil this dish. This is real good old fashioned home cooking, simply at its best! – Enjoy!
Doesn’t look like much but believe me this is totally delish!
NOTES: The result of this dish is that there must not be too much water in your stew but just enough to reabsorb back into other ingredients so that you can eat it with a fork. I used a food processor with grater attachment to grate my carrots and roughly chopped my cabbage by hand. The previous evening I had some fatty stewing beef which I slow cooked plain (with just some black pepper and salt to taste for yorkshire pud batter), so I added the little bits of meat scraps, bones and fat into this dish which really gives it an extra flavour boost. This was the best cabbage bredie or stew I’ve ever tatsted! Or you may use your schmaltz (chicken fat). I, personally never use cooking oils. There is more than enough fat in meat today. . TIP: Save all your cooking fats as I do and you will never need to buy cooking oil again. There is soo much fat in meat today. When cooking with a fatty meat. start out by adding around 200 ml to a cup water to render the fats and once the fats are released you may then begin to saute your onions. Remember to add a little water 125 – 200 ml per time, topping up only as needed so meats do not dry out or burn.
INGREDIENTS: 1.340 g beef shin with marrow bone in 1 onion (medium) chopped 2.6 kg chopped cabbage 300 g, grated carrots 300 g rice (uncooked weight) 25 g beef fat or chicken schmaltz - sunflower oil if have non 350 ml water salt, to taste Black pepper, freshLy ground to taste nutmeg (1/2 a whole nutmeg), freshly grated to taste
METHOD:Add your meat (whole) to the pot together some fat and water (200 ml) per time and cook on low to medium heat until meat begins to fall off the bone. Dice your onion – Chop cabbage roughly by hand and grate your carrots. Add all your veggies to the pot together with water and cook on low to medium heat. Add your spices and seasoning to taste and continue to simmering until done. Cook rice with enough water to cover on high around 18 minutes, covered in microwave. Add rice to to stew blending it through and simmer a further 15 minutes. Serve just simply plain in bowls and enjoy! :)